Experience the Grand Canyon from a Biblical Perspective

by Ken Ham on April 9, 2022
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Planning a trip to Grand Canyon this summer? I’m excited to share with you how you can experience Arizona’s jaw-dropping geological site through the lens of God’s Word. Our friend Nate Loper recently visited the Creation Museum on his way from Pennsylvania to Arizona. He leads a truly unique ministry that uses Grand Canyon to impact hearts and minds with the truth of God’s Word!

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  • Grand Canyon
This ministry leads Grand Canyon creation tours and adventures—and they are amazing (I’ve been on them).

Nate’s Canyon Ministries is America’s #1-rated Christian tour company. This ministry leads Grand Canyon creation tours and adventures—and they are amazing (I’ve been on them). Their daily tours include rim, walking, and guided hiking tours, as well as multi-day river trips and backpacking. Canyon Ministries has been providing these tours for 25 years, and they help people understand the Grand Canyon through the lens of flood geology and the true history in God’s Word. It’s a wonderful ministry, one that’s impacting families and individuals with the truth of God’s Word. We’re thrilled to have been able to work with and promote Canyon Ministries over the years.

Learn more at CanyonMinistries.org.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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