We’re just one month away from hosting our annual women’s conference, Answers for Women (which you can still join in person or through livestream) at the Ark Encounter, south of Cincinnati—but our event teams are also thinking way farther ahead, to October 4–6, 2022, when we host our annual Answers for Pastors & Leaders conference (which is open for anyone to attend). And you can register today and enjoy an “early-bird” savings of $60.
Prepare to discover why our culture is in chaos, why the church is conflicted, and what we can do to boldly stand for truth in the church and in the culture.
This powerful three-day conference at the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky, is based on my book, Divided Nation, and will feature the theme “A Church & Culture in Crisis.” Prepare to discover why our culture is in chaos, why the church is conflicted, and what we can do to boldly stand for truth in the church and in the culture. The line-up of speakers joining me is exciting:
Not only will you enjoy teaching sessions that will equip and encourage you to better shepherd your congregations and families, but you will also have the opportunity to tour the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum (admission to both attractions is included with your conference registration). It will be a wonderful time of in-depth teaching, touring our attractions, meeting fellow believers from across the nation, and worshipping our Savior with special music by Michael O’Brien.
This conference is designed specifically for pastors and leaders, but it’s open to anyone—and we strongly encourage parents and others to make plans to attend. Register today and enjoy an “early-bird” discount (now through March 31, 2022) at AnswersforPastors.com.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
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Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.