A House of Heresy?

by Ken Ham on February 1, 2022
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

BioLogos is a supposed Christian organization that we’ve spoken out against for years. Based on public statements that BioLogos and the teachers they platform have made, we’ve warned believers to stay away from them—they don’t believe the Word of God (and not “just” in Genesis!).

Answers in Genesis–Canada’s Calvin Smith recently published a powerful two-part exposé on how this organization does not believe the Bible or the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Well, Answers in Genesis–Canada’s Calvin Smith recently published a powerful two-part exposé on how this organization does not really believe the Bible or even the gospel of Jesus Christ. I urge you to read both articles. Sadly, BioLogos is a very influential group that is often invited to speak in Christian colleges and seminaries. And yet their teaching is extremely dangerous to the church, undermining the authority of God’s Word in Genesis and throughout the Scriptures.

You can read both articles below:

Please share these articles with others (as many people as you can—and with your pastors/Christian leaders) to warn against this organized and influential group of false teachers that so often teach at Bible Colleges and seminaries all over the world. And keep an eye out on Calvin Smith’s blog for his upcoming responses to BioLogos’ response to his articles (the first was published yesterday). Many professors don’t realize how dangerous this group is. You will be shocked when you read what they state about God’s Word.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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