“Great Times and Incredible Speakers”

by Ken Ham on January 7, 2022
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

A few months ago, we hosted our Answers for Pastors and Leaders Conference at the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky (south of Cincinnati). This Bible conference was open for anyone to attend, and hundreds of pastors, their wives, leaders, and other believers from across the nation attended for three days of teaching, encouragement, and equipping in God’s Word. And here’s what they said about this conference:

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This conference will help you discover why our culture is in chaos, why the church is conflicted, and what we can do to boldly stand for truth in the church and in the culture.

If you’d like to experience the in-depth Bible teaching at an Answers for Pastors and Leaders Conference, join us for “A Culture and Church in Crisis,” October 4–6, 2022. This conference, taking place at the Ark Encounter, will help you discover why our culture is in chaos, why the church is conflicted, and what we can do to boldly stand for truth in the church and in the culture.

This year’s conference will be largely based on my powerful new book, Divided Nation. Attendees will be equipped to stand, rooted in the authority of God’s Word, no matter the chaos dividing our nation today. More than ever, the church needs to understand the catastrophe happening to the church itself and culture as a whole and learn how to deal with it.

Registration is open, and we encourage everyone—not just pastors and leaders—to attend. While here, tour the 510-foot-long ark as well! Enjoy early bird pricing by registering today at AnswersforPastors.org.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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