“My Oldest Got Saved This Morning”

by Ken Ham on December 17, 2021
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Answers in Genesis is not an easy ministry at times—we face ridicule and seemingly purposeful misunderstanding and misinterpretation from both within the church and without. And yet I am incredibly thankful that God has called us to do what we do in proclaiming the message of biblical authority and the gospel—and here’s just one example of why.

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And that’s what the ministry of Answers in Genesis is all about.

but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:14)

Praise the Lord! He is using our bold proclamation of the gospel, through our attractions, our outreaches, and our resources, to change lives for eternity. What an absolute privilege and blessing!

These donations will enable us to reach even more people with the message of biblical authority and the gospel—and to do so even more powerfully.

And you can be part of what God is doing through this ministry! We are seeking to raise $17 million for necessary upgrades and expansions at both attractions, the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum. These donations will enable us to reach even more people with the message of biblical authority and the gospel—and to do so even more powerfully.

Some of the coming upgrades and expansions include a completely refurbished Legacy Hall at the Creation Museum to reach more people daily, a scale model of Jerusalem at the time of Christ at the Ark Encounter and an expanded and upgraded zoo, conservatorium, teaching facilities, “plants of the Bible” greenhouses, and butterfly house at the Creation Museum.

Prayerfully, please consider being part of the life-changing work of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and the Ark Encounter with a gift before the end of the year. Your gift is doubled with a special gift-matching offer up to $8.5 million before December 31, 2021. We are well on the way to reaching this target! Please give today at AnswersinGenesis.org/donate.

And, by the way, you can find the book this little girl is holding in the photo, The Door of Salvation, on our online store.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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