“My Husband Became a Christian 30 Years Ago After Hearing You Speak”

by Ken Ham on November 30, 2021
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

The Answers in Genesis ministry is nearly 28 years old, but I’ve been in full-time creation ministry for over forty years. Much has changed in our world in 40 years, but the message I have taught, and that Answers in Genesis has proclaimed, hasn’t changed—it’s only become more relevant as Western culture continues to base its thinking on man’s word instead of God’s Word.

I recently saw three comments on a Facebook post I wrote about our Christmas events that I thought I would share with you. These three individuals shared how the AiG ministry and our two attractions have impacted them and their families:

1 of 3
  • Facebook Comment

I frequently hear from supporters of the ministry who continue to support us because of the bold stand that we take (and have always taken) on God’s Word, applying it and a biblical worldview to the issues of our day. We haven’t backed down or softened our position in 28 years—even in the midst of pressure from the culture and the church to do so. Why? Because we’re committed to believing, proclaiming, and defending God’s Word from the very first verse. Lord willing, we will continue to do so for many more decades! And remember, even though culture changes, God’s Word will never change.

Will you consider supporting the Answers in Genesis ministry on this Giving Tuesday?

Today is Giving Tuesday, the day that kicks off year-end giving for many people. Will you consider supporting the Answers in Genesis ministry on this Giving Tuesday? We’ve set an ambitious year-end goal of $17 million for necessary upgrades and expansions at both the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum. These upgrades will allow us to reach even more people with the truth of God’s Word and the gospel message—people just like the ones whose testimonies I’ve shared above.

Now through December 31, your gift is doubled up to $8.5 million! We’re already over halfway to our goal and are excited to have already been able to begin construction on certain projects. You can learn all about what’s coming next (such as a butterfly house and Eden Teaching Center at the Creation Museum and a scale model of Jerusalem at the Ark Encounter) on our website.

And I’m excited to share that two of today’s Giving Tuesday donors will be selected to receive the following perks:

  • Free admission for one family to the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum
  • A free two nights stay in a hotel for one family
  • A free Answers.tv subscription for one year
  • A meet-and-greet with me and other AiG speakers
  • A tour of the AiG offices and design studio

Simply make a donation today to be entered in the drawing.

Thank you for your generous support that enables us to reach even more people for Christ! Visit AnswersinGenesis.org/donate today!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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