Be Part of Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution

by Ken Ham on August 17, 2021
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Do you believe in homeschooling? With the increasing anti-God content being pushed in public schools across the United States—including graphic sex ed, critical race theory, Marxism, and evolutionary naturalism—many parents are considering pulling their kids from public school to teach them at home. But, with little homeschool experience, many are nervous about giving it a try—and there’s where an upcoming documentary Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution can help!

The makers of this exciting project (a homeschool family themselves) share that there’s a revolution unfolding in education . . . but it’s not happening in the classroom! They explain,

There is a war raging all around us for the hearts and minds of our children. As early as preschool, an ungodly foundation is being set for them in schools all across our nation. Children are being indoctrinated with a worldview that undermines the value of life and teaches them that they have no purpose. They are also being taught that their parents are not the authority in their lives. Desperate parents are crying out and they don’t know what to do.

But there is hope! As parents, we have the freedom to remove our children from these government institutions and teach them at home the values and morals set before us in God’s Word. However, too many parents don’t feel equipped for this important calling. Schoolhouse Rocked will encourage these parents that they CAN DO IT and give them practical resources to help them homeschool with excellence.

Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution is a feature-length documentary currently in post-production. We are asking the homeschool community and supporters of this movement to partner with us in spreading the message that homeschooling is good for students, good for families, and good for culture!

There is a war raging all around us for the hearts and minds of our children.

Among many others, AiG speaker and author Bryan Osborne and I were both featured in the film (we also appear briefly in the below trailer):

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  • Bryan Osborne

    Screen capture of Bryan Osborne from the documentary

This film is currently in post-production, but they need to raise additional funds to finish the project and get it into theaters. If you would like to get behind this project to encourage more families to try homeschooling, consider donating to Schoolhouse Rocked.

And stay tuned for the announcement that this film is coming to theaters.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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