Have You Been to ChristmasTown and ChristmasTime Yet?

by Ken Ham on December 10, 2020
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Our free Christmas events—ChristmasTown at the Creation Museum and ChristmasTime at the Ark Encounter—are in full swing in N. Kentucky. Visitors are loving the incredibly beautiful outdoor light displays, the Glice® (synthetic ice) skating rink, Christmas carols, and more. These Christmas events are taking place on select nights now through December 30. (See our website for details; closed Christmas Eve and Day.) Be sure to plan a visit with the whole family. Many activities are free.

At ChristmasTown at the Creation Museum, enjoy our spectacular garden of lights, our very popular synthetic ice rink (families have been loving it!; skate rental is required), our live nativity, and more. At ChristmasTime at the Ark Encounter 45 minutes away, marvel at the sea of lights, the life-size Ark lit up in rainbow colors, Christmas carols with Southern Salvation, our spectacular animated program “Encounter the Wonder,” and more.

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  • ChristmasTown at the Creation Museum

Many of the activities at both events are free—you only pay $10 for parking. Plan your visit—and encourage others to come! Visit CreationMuseum.org/christmas and ArkEncounter.com/christmas.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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