Which Christian College Should I Attend?

by Ken Ham on September 29, 2020
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

It’s a big question for many people: “Which Christian college should I attend?” The majority of Christian colleges have abandoned biblical authority and instead have added man’s ideas into Scripture. These schools can do much more harm than good to a young person’s faith (sometimes even more harm than an atheistic, secular school). So how can you find a solid Christian college that takes a stand on Genesis and biblical authority?

All the colleges featured at the expo are schools that take a stand on biblical authority, a literal six-day creation, the age of the earth, and a global flood.

You can find these schools participating at our annual Creation College Expo. This year this event takes place in the massive Answers Center at the Ark Encounter, November 5–7, 2020 (south of Cincinnati). It allows students in grades 7–12 to meet one-on-one with college representatives from across the nation. All the colleges featured at the expo are schools that take a stand on biblical authority, a literal six-day creation, the age of the earth, and a global flood.

This event is free for your student, and even includes complimentary admission to the Ark Encounter and 20% off admission to the Creation Museum 45 minutes away. Accompanying family members enjoy 20% off Ark and museum admission (and children under 10 are free all this year!).

In addition to meeting with school representatives and touring the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum, students will also enjoy teaching from Dr. Georgia Purdom, Dr. Jennifer Rivera, and me.

This unique type of event only happens once a year. Don’t miss it! And, rest assured, we have new policies in place to help ensure every guest has a safe and healthy visit. Register today on the events page of our website to let us know you are coming.

And if you’re looking for a place to stay while you’re in the area, check out our event partner hotels.

Find out more about these colleges on our CreationColleges.com website!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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