Don’t Miss High School Labs with a Biblical Worldview

by Ken Ham on September 1, 2020
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Education isn’t neutral—it’s either for Christ or against him (Matthew 12:30). This is true in every class and subject, but parents probably feel it most keenly (or it comes to mind most obviously) in the science classroom. What kind of science education are your children receiving? Is it taught from a truly biblical worldview? You can experience science education through the lens of God’s Word, saturated with a truly biblical worldview, with our high school labs at the Creation Museum.

These labs are extremely high quality—your student will learn so much as they complete 24 hands-on labs over 12 days throughout the school year.

This year, we’re offering three unique and powerful high school labs, biology (already full!), chemistry, and forensics. Chemistry is taught by Roger Patterson (of Unlocking Science on Answers TV) and forensics is taught by forensic scientist Dr. Jennifer Rivera. These labs are extremely high quality—your student will learn so much as they complete 24 hands-on labs over 12 days throughout the school year.

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  • High School Labs

I encourage you to consider our high school labs, regardless of which schooling you choose for your family. Homeschool, Christian school, and public school students will all benefit from hands-on science instruction taught from the perspective of God’s Word as truth. Registration closes September 7 so be sure to register right away to reserve your spot. Spaces are limited!

Register your student today at

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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