Totally Upgraded Stargazer Planetarium Opening at the Creation Museum

by Ken Ham on May 30, 2020
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

I’m very excited to announce that our Stargazer Planetarium at the Creation Museum has been completely renovated and is now ready for our reopening on June 8, 2020! We’ve had a planetarium since shortly after the Creation Museum opened in 2007, and it was time for a major upgrade with the latest cutting-edge technology. So in January, our fabricators began the job of expanding and totally refurbishing the planetarium. Actually, it was a total rebuild! Now it’s ready for our guests, and it’s incredible!

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  • Stargazer Planetarium

The new planetarium has laser projectors, upgraded acoustics, a tilted dome for better viewing from every angle, and more seats to accommodate more guests. It looks amazing inside (you will think you are sitting in a spacecraft looking out on the moon’s surface), and the picture quality of the planetarium show, “Created Cosmos” (we’re working on adding more shows), is incredible—levels above the past quality. You have to see it!

We’re excited that our guests will hear and see how the heavens declare the glory of God (Psalm 19:1) as they learn more about his handiwork in this state-of-the-art facility.

We’re excited that our guests will hear and see how the heavens declare the glory of God (Psalm 19:1) as they learn more about his handiwork in this state-of-the-art facility. For those who generously gave towards this project last year, thank you! We couldn’t have done this without your generosity and God’s gracious provision.

Back in March, shortly after we were temporarily shut down, I did an interview on the planetarium upgrade with Ben Wilt, who is the VP of our AV department. It wasn’t quite complete in this video, but it gives you a good idea what to expect when you come to see this world-class planetarium—I think you’ll be fascinated by the technology involved and all the fun behind-the-scenes info Ben shares.

Our astronomer, Dr. Danny Faulkner, had this to say about the new planetarium:

I recently had a chance to see the sky in the new planetarium. The new laser light source is far brighter than the light bulbs in the old projectors. Consequently, there is a much more realistic difference between the brighter stars and the fainter stars. On the old system, the planets and brighter stars just didn’t look as bright as they should have. But in the new planetarium, the planets and brighter stars pop out more like they do in the real sky. Overall, the stars are brighter and crisper than before. I’m looking forward to seeing our old shows and the new ones in the new planetarium. I’m particularly looking forward to the live shows when we can start doing them again.

Come and see the new planetarium! We will be reopening on June 8, 2020, and we’re ready for you! We have additional health and safety measures put in place to meet or exceed all the federal and state requirements. Plan your visit at

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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