Mother’s Day is quickly approaching (this year it falls on May 10). Are you searching for a gift for your mother, grandmother, or wife to thank her for all she does? Well, we have a brand-new release that would make a lovely gift for whoever you are shopping for this Mother’s Day.
Every year hundreds of women arrive in Northern Kentucky for our annual Answers for Women conference (this year’s conference was postponed until next year due to COVID-19 restrictions). Our 2019 conference, Sacred: Embracing God’s Design for Sexuality, was our most popular yet. Well, we recorded nine of last year’s sessions and they are now available in a DVD-set, complete with study guides for a self-study or group study. The sessions featured in the DVD-set include:
This set, extolling God’s very good design for sexuality, equips women to think biblically on this subject while giving them practical tools for sharing truth with their family, friends, and neighbors. You can order it today at Or subscribe to Answers.TV and this conference is available on our very own streaming platform.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.