Quick Answers to Social Issues Now Available

by Ken Ham on April 5, 2020
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Bryan Osborne is one of our busy, in-demand speakers—he travels around the US and internationally speaking at churches, conferences, and other venues about the truth of God’s Word and biblical authority. Well, I’m excited to announce he has finished his second book, and it’s now available to order from our online store.

His first volume, Quick Answers to Tough Questions, has been very popular and is a wonderful resource to get digestible-sized answers to some of the most common questions people have regarding the truth of God’s Word, science, and the Bible. It’s great for both teens and adults.

In the same style, Quick Answers to Social Issues tackles the questions many churches and ministries don’t want to deal with because they seem so difficult—questions about homosexual behavior, transgender, abortion, feminism, social justice, and more. These are the issues that so many (particularly young people) are dealing with today, and it’s vital we have answers rooted in the truth of God’s Word.

I encourage you to read this book and order copies for people you know—especially young people. You’ll discover truth from God’s Word and basic principles that you can apply to other questions, including those coming as the culture rushes headlong down the depraved road of the sexual and gender revolution.

Learn more about Bryan's latest book in the video here.

Find Quick Answers to Social Issues on our online bookstore, AnswersBookstore.com.

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This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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