A Week of Hands-On Science Wraps Up at the Creation Museum

by Ken Ham on June 29, 2019
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Here at the Creation Museum, we’re excited to offer something quite unique—a five-day summer science camp that presents science from the lens of a biblical worldview. We just wrapped up our first Explore camp for 2019—and the kids loved it. If this is something your child(ren) would also love, there’s still time to register for our second camp, July 22–26, 2019.

Matthew at Author's Night

One of the event organizers wrote this summary of the five days of camp for me to share with you. As you can see, the campers did a host of hands-on science activities and dove deep into a biblical worldview and how to apply that to what we see in the world.

The first Explore 5-day summer camp took place last week here at the Creation Museum. Students from around the world had an exciting week learning about dinosaurs, chemistry, forensics, astronomy, and zoology. What is unique about the Explore summer camps at the museum is that students learn science from a biblical worldview. Many of the students coming to the summer camp attend public schools throughout the year, so it was exciting to see children hearing biblical truths for the first time.

“This is the first time I have ever been told that birds are not dinosaurs.”

Through hands-on science labs, engaging speakers, and intriguing scavenger hunts, students were pointed to the truth found only in God’s perfect Word. The week-long day camp included over 20 unique activities which were designed to challenge students’ thinking about what secular science teaches regarding origins and what the Bible reveals about God’s creation.

One of the highlights of the week was a special guest appearance by anatomist Dr. David Menton whose presentation focused on why birds are not dinosaurs. Through in-depth anatomical evidence found in both living and fossilized birds as well as fossilized dinosaurs, Dr. Menton outlined numerous examples of why this theory is inaccurate. One student who attended the camp was so excited at the end of Dr. Menton’s talk that they could not wait to tell one of the leaders, “This is the first time I have ever been told that birds are not dinosaurs.”

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  • Dr. Menton at Explore Camp

Other highlights included sessions with paleoartist Buddy Davis, who captured the students’ attention by describing how he made all the dinosaurs in the museum while leading the kids through a step-by-step process with clay to sculpt their own dinosaur.

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  • Buddy at Explore Camp
Chemistry with Mr. Patterson

Students also enjoyed a variety of explosions and experiments with Mr. Patterson, a long-time public-school chemistry teacher with a passion for captivating the kids’ attention through science and the Bible.

Forensic scientist Dr. Jennifer Rivera spent an entire morning teaching the students forensic techniques, like fingerprint identification and processing, impression evidence, and document examination. Students used these skills in the afternoon session to solve an elaborate case study. Students not only dusted for evidence, analyzed hair samples and shoeprint impressions, but were allowed to practice their interrogation techniques with the “suspects.” For many students, this was their favorite part of camp week! One student stated, “l liked Explore camp because of forensics. God has done amazing things to make our world the best.”

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  • Forensics at Explore Camp

The campers were privileged to spend Thursday with Dr. Danny Faulkner, a world-renowned astronomer. Dr. Faulkner gave the students a tour of the observatory, taught them how to calculate the curvature of the earth, and explained why this is evidence of a spherical planet.

Astronomy at Explore Camp

The week wrapped up with a behind the scenes tour of the Eden Zoo with our senior zoo manager Leanne Sarkisian. Students also created a variety of enrichment toys for the zoo animals and were permitted to watch the animals engage with their projects and evaluate their design.

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  • Camels at Explore Camp

As you can see, the Explore 5-day camp at the Creation Museum is one-of-a-kind and unlike any other camp in the world. There is still time to register for July’s Explore 5-day camp. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity for your child to receive hands-on science with expert instruction from a biblical worldview. Student quotes:

  • “Amazing hands-on learning, it makes it fun and uses your brain while moving around and gives you an awesome time.”
  • "It was fun. It did not happen by chance!”
  • “It was awesome! It was fun and biblically based at the same time. I loved it!"

We hope your child can join us in July (registration is open to those who have completed fourth grade through high school) for our exciting remaining Explore camp here in northern Kentucky. Space is limited, so register now to secure your spot at CreationMuseum.org.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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