Plan Your Family Movie Night with

by Ken Ham on October 9, 2018
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Are you planning on popping some popcorn and heading to the living room for a family movie night this weekend? While movie nights can be a lot of fun, they can also be stressful finding a movie that is safe for the whole family to watch. Well, we’ve been recommending a great place to start looking for family-friendly entertainment—the leading faith and family-friendly video streaming service And here are a few titles you might enjoy watching as a family:

  • Do You Believe?
  • The Book of Daniel
  • The Book of Ruth
  • Apostle Peter and the Last Supper
  • Buddy Davis’ Amazing Adventures: Ice Age

Of course, as with anything, we encourage people to use discretion when selecting what they would like to watch. While we certainly wouldn’t necessarily agree with everything on, it’s a great place to start and doesn’t have the perverse content that other video streaming sites are filled with.

And we’re very excited that eventually all of our videos (that’s more than 500 videos!) will be featured on the Answers in Genesis channel on at no additional cost to subscribers. For the cost of one DVD a month you can have access to all of our faith-building content (plus all the other content on Pure Flix)! Be sure to check our channel for ideas for a family movie night.

Learn more and try a free one-month trial today at

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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