An Ark Made Out of Bricks

by Ken Ham on June 26, 2018
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

It’s always a joy to meet with our supporters, either at our themed attractions or on the road. We’re able to continue doing what we do only because of thousands of individuals and families around the world who give generously and pray continually. At a recent donor event in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, I met a family who supports us. Their son, Stephen, had a unique item to show me—a Lego ark he’d built!

Stephen and Shane Eash with Ken Ham

Stephen (left), here with his brother Shane (center), presented me with a collage of his Lego Ark Encounter.

Collage of Lego Ark Encounter by Stephen Eash

People of all ages love building with Lego bricks, and it was fun to see this Ark Encounter replica that Stephen had constructed. He included the towers the Ark is anchored to that house exit stairs, restrooms, and elevators, and he even featured the A/C units on top of the towers!

Bow of Lego Ark by Stephen Eash Stern of Lego Ark by Stephen Eash Towers of Lego Ark by Stephen Eash

Stephen’s parents shared this with me:

We very much appreciate Answers in Genesis and are so glad God brought AiG . . . into our lives back in the early years of homeschooling our four sons. We’ve learned so much.

We are so glad to be able to support such an effective ministry in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. We began supporting AiG back before the Creation Museum was built and we were blessed to be able to attend the Behind the Scenes tour before the museum was open to the public. Thank you for your obedience to Christ. We pray for you, personally, and for AiG, on a regular basis.

We are very thankful for this family and so many other families just like them, who partner with us in reaching millions of people with the message of biblical authority and the gospel.

You can learn about partnering with us through a donation or through volunteer work at

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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