Pro-Life Ministry “Stand-Up Girl” Saves Lives over the Internet

by Ken Ham on May 26, 2018
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

A few weeks ago, while speaking in Portland, Oregon, I met a lawyer who later shared with me about an important ministry his organization supports that is actually saving lives and doing it over the internet!

Here’s what he shared:

Ken, your explanation of the many sinful norms of our modern culture leads me to want to share with you the effort of one local pro-life organization we support— (SUG)—that shares the tenets in AIG Statement of Faith.

SUG connects with millions of pregnant girls each year through the internet, offering them online text and chat support and direction to a life-affirming pregnancy resource center near them—ones that do not provide abortions. As a result of the contact, some of the girls choose to keep their child (with help from single-parent support available to them in their area) or arrange for an adoption—either way, saving a life.

We are so thankful for pro-life ministries across America that work every day to save the lives of babies and to provide support and help to parents, encouraging them to choose life, not death, for their children. There’s an increasing number of people today waking up to the obvious: from the time of fertilization of a human egg, a 100% human being exists, made in the image of God.

Learn more about Stand Up Girl at

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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