Equip Your Family with Kids Answers

by Ken Ham on April 18, 2018
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Moms and Dads, did you know we have a website dedicated to you and your children? Kids Answers is designed to provide short, easy-to-understand answers to the questions kids have about the Bible, science, creation, evolution, and much more. As you seek to raise your child in the admonition and instruction of the Lord, this website is meant to make your challenging job as a parent a little easier.

We’ve recently updated the parent page of the kid’s website with a new letter from me, explaining more about Kids Answers, and a brand-new video from my friend and colleague Buddy Davis, who produces a lot of our children’s resources. This page will give you a great overview of the site and how you can use it to equip your children (and yourself!) with answers.

Learn more by visiting the parent page of our kid’s website.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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