Final Genesis: Paradise Lost Encore Showing December 11

by Ken Ham on December 1, 2017

We’re very excited for our friends at Creation Today who recently announced that Genesis: Paradise Lost, their spectacular film, is back in theaters for a final night, following the two recent very successful showings in theaters across America! You can see this powerful movie—which features interviews with top creationist researchers and theologians and 3D animation* of the days of Creation—in hundreds of theaters nationwide December 11, 2017.

On the first night this movie was released in theaters, with only one showing at 7 p.m., Genesis: Paradise Lost was the number four movie in the nation! On the night of the encore showing—again with only one show time and with few 3D screens due to the release of Justice League the same night—Genesis: Paradise Lost was the number five movie in the nation! Over 110,000 people saw this movie in theaters, and it was so popular that Fathom Events is bringing it back to theaters for one more showing, December 11.

Creation Today president Eric Hovind and Genesis: Paradise Lost director Ralph Strean made a video to make this exciting announcement—and their enthusiasm is contagious. I encourage you to watch and share their video.

In their video they read some of the comments they have received about the film, including these:

The single most important and remarkable film of our day.
Phenomenal Christian movie. I went with seven people to see this movie, and each person thanked me and said it was fantastic.
Genesis: Paradise Lost was a game changer.
One of the best Christians films I have ever watched. Changed the hearts of my friends. Only the power of God can do that!

How exciting that people are being influenced by this film—which includes a powerful gospel presentation!

Fathom Events, the group distributing the movie in theaters, has said that homeschool groups, Christian school groups, co-ops, college groups, and other groups in the United States can buy out a theater and hold a matinee showing of the film for their group during the afternoons of December 11–14. This is a great opportunity for groups to see this faith-affirming film if the evening showing isn’t convenient for them or sold out. Contact your local theater for more information.

I encourage you to see this film—you don’t want to miss it!

I encourage you to see this film—you don’t want to miss it!

Find a theater near you showing this film for one final night, December 11, 2017, at

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

*Some theaters may be showing the 2D version rather than the 3D one.

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