Polygamy—the New Marriage Battle?

by Ken Ham on November 30, 2017
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

“Monogamy clearly isn’t working as divorce rates are higher than they’ve ever been. It's time to try something else.” And that something else, apparently, is polygamy, as this quote comes from the home page of Polygamy.com, a dating website for men seeking another wife or women seeking a man who is already married.

And this isn’t the only dating website out there for aspiring polygamists. The website Sister Wives claims to be the largest polygamy dating site and has options for those looking for men, women, couples, or groups. A single mom who met a married man on this app was featured on a recent CNN broadcast, according to the trailer for the show.

Interestingly, unlike Sister Wives, which seems to allow for anything, in its user rules Polygamy.com only allows men to have up to four wives and only accepts female users who are single. The people behind this dating site believe “polygamy is a lifestyle choice that people make and those people deserve to be represented” but, apparently, they arbitrarily draw the line at women having more than one husband or men having more than four wives.

A lengthy article re-featured recently by CNN, titled “When Three Isn’t a Crowd,” tells the stories of several polyamorous individuals. Polyamory is defined in the article as “having simultaneous close emotional relationships with two or more other individuals,” and one of the polyamorists featured in the article claims, “we’re trying to promote the fact that everyone has a right to develop a relationship structure that works for them.” The article claims being poly is “an identity” and that they “are just like everybody else.”

Polygamy and polyamory are becoming increasingly prevalent in our culture.

I use these examples to highlight the fact that polygamy and polyamory are becoming increasingly prevalent in our culture. Those who practice them want people to believe that it’s an identity, that they have the right to live as they chose, and that they are just like everyone else—the same arguments heard from the LGBT movement. Sadly, even some professing Christians are jumping on the bandwagon and affirming these relationships.

I’ve been saying for years, along with many Christian leaders, that once you redefine marriage to allow for gay “marriage” (a perversion of God’s original design) as many Western countries have done in the past years, you open the door for anything (and everything) else. Ultimately anything goes! Don’t be surprised if polygamy becomes the next marriage battle in the courts!

After all, in a secular view, if “love wins,” then why not allow for polygamy? Why not allow for polyamory or so-called “open relationships”? Where do you draw the line? Why draw any lines? And for Christians who have already compromised on God’s Word and affirmed gay “marriage,” how can you say that polygamy or polyamory goes against God’s design when you’ve already rejected God’s clear definition of marriage?

Our culture is very confused about the issue of marriage, and it will only continue to become more confused. Once a culture has abandoned God’s Word as the foundation, moral chaos ensues as everyone does what’s right in their own eyes (Judges 21:25).

But when we start with God’s Word, beginning in Genesis, we have answers and the true foundation for our worldview and conduct. There are standards for marriage because God created marriage and defined it as between one man and one woman for life.

So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them (Genesis 1:27).

Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh (Genesis 2:24).

Learn more of what the Bible says about polygamy in Roger Patterson’s article, “What About Polygamy in the Bible?

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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