Creation College Expo Coming to the Creation Museum

by Ken Ham on September 10, 2017
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Though school has just started again in the United States, many high school seniors are already looking forward to their first semester of college next fall. Choosing their postsecondary education institution is a huge decision—and 37% of students will switch schools at least once, sometimes leaving behind expensive credits they’ve completed.

This decision is even more important when you factor in the spiritual impact (for better or worse) a college can have on a young person. That’s why we’re here to help with this important decision by offering our 2017 Creation College Expo, November 3–4.

The 2017 Creation College Expo takes place here at the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky, and features representatives from various creationist Christian colleges across the country. Each of the represented schools takes a bold stand on biblical authority, including a belief in biblical creation and a young earth. Speaking with reps about their schools and the programs they offer can help you and your student make an informed decision about postsecondary education.

A compromising Christian college can be more dangerous than an outright secular college.

Many secular colleges are hostile toward Christianity, and many Christian schools are so horribly compromised that they tear down a student’s faith rather than build it up. In many ways, I think a compromising Christian college can be more dangerous than an outright secular college. A college that stands firmly on God’s Word, refusing to compromise, will equip and strengthen your child’s faith.

I asked several AiG staff or board members who attended colleges represented at our College Expo to share their experiences of attending these God-honoring institutions. Here’s what they said:

Dan Wooster, a member of our board and a graduate of Bob Jones University, said:

Starting my college education at a secular university and receiving all of my pre-college education in public school, I felt the need to be grounded in the authority of the Bible. I was also looking for a place that offered computer science. God led me to BJU, having never heard of it until my pastor recommended it. I found the professors cared for me and offered me godly, Bible-centered advice. The classes were academically challenging, preparing me well for graduate school. Daily chapel and Bible classes engaged my heart in the things of the Lord. I was encouraged to participate weekly in school-organized gospel outreach opportunities, which strengthened my faith. It was there God confirmed he wanted me to pursue some type of full-time Christian ministry.

I must admit that in the late 1970’s, I had a hard time seeing a connection between computer science and full-time ministry. But God had a plan, and he used BJU—the faculty, administration, my peers, the academics, chapel, outreach—he used it all to prepare me for the ministry he had created me to fulfill. And that has made all the difference!

As I look back over the past 37 years since receiving my undergraduate degree, I see how God used BJU to make me more Christlike and prepare me to serve him using my passions and abilities. I would recommend the BJU experience to any Christian young person who wants a quality Christian education in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) with a strong liberal arts emphasis that will make them well rounded and suited for wherever God leads them to serve him!

Eric Higdon, AiG web developer, said of Pensacola Christian College:

I was drawn to PCC largely because of the affordable tuition rate, but I quickly found that the quality of the courses and facilities was far beyond what I had seen at other colleges. From math and English, to graphic design and computer programming, the quality of the courses has been invaluable in my career. But what made all of these courses even better was the fact that they were taught from a distinctly Christian perspective. The firm biblical foundation of all the courses was crucial to my growth academically, professionally, and spiritually.

Dr. Georgia Purdom, a molecular geneticist who works as a speaker and researcher for Answers in Genesis, commented on her alma mater, Cedarville University:

It’s been nearly 25 years since I graduated from Cedarville University. Unlike so many other Christian institutions of higher education, Cedarville continues to stand on the truthfulness and authority of God’s Word from the very first verse. One of the things that always impressed me about Cedarville was the professors’ investment in students both academically and spiritually. They took my love for the Lord and for science and showed me how to use those talents to serve the Lord. Last year AiG received a warm and enthusiastic welcome at the creation conference sponsored by Cedarville. I have never seen materials sell so quickly and never witnessed such a long back-order list! Students and faculty alike desire to stand boldly and defend God’s Word beginning in Genesis.

(You can order a copy of Dr. Purdom’s chapel talk at Cedarville, Be Bold for Truth, from our online store.)

During the Expo you’ll hear from the colleges, have a chance to chat one-on-one with reps, and even hear two special sessions from AiG speakers Bryan Osborne and Bodie Hodge.

Register for this event on our website.

Remember—your most important investment is in your children and their spiritual education that affects them for eternity.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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