A wide variety of species—from butterflies to geese to wildebeest—migrate from one place to another as seasons and conditions change. Though we still do not fully understand this remarkable process, the little we do know about it points to the incredible handiwork of the Creator. You can learn about God’s amazing creation known as migration in the new issue of our popular Answers magazine. (See a sneak peek on migration here.)
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This issue features articles about a vegetarian spider, the design of a flying creature known as the frigatebird, the answer to why some fat is actually a good thing, fascinating scientific facts about the first wave of American immigrants, and a breathtakingly well-preserved animal that researchers call the “stony dragon.” These articles and many more will equip you and your family with biblical answers to today’s skeptical questions.
Here’s a sneak peek at some of the great content now arriving in mailboxes in the United States and elsewhere.
Included with each issue of Answers magazine is a mini pullout magazine that kids absolutely love! This issue’s eight-page children’s section highlights the bird migratory hall of fame and includes fun activities and a devotional with Buddy Davis.
I encourage you to subscribe to this excellent, award-winning family magazine today. And consider getting a gift subscription for your youth pastor or a college student. It’s a great way to equip them with solid, biblical answers as they navigate the challenging world of education.
Learn more and subscribe today at AnswersMagazine.com.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.