Is the Bible a Science Textbook?

by Ken Ham on December 18, 2016
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

I often have people tell me that “the Bible’s not a science textbook!” But the Bible is actually a textbook of historical science—and the only such textbook that is totally reliable and infallible.

Now, I’m glad the Bible’s not a textbook of science like those used in public schools, because it would change all the time. Many ideas have come and gone. For example, most of the evolutionary beliefs used by scientists in the transcript of the Scopes Trial have been abandoned—but God’s Word remains the same. It is the infallible Word of God—the true history book of the universe.

The Bible Is God’s Word

Does the Bible simply contain the Word of God? That’s not entirely accurate: the Bible is the Word of God—“All Scripture is God breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16 NIV). And which are the words of Jesus in the Bible? Remember, all are His words—from Genesis to Revelation. Jesus is the WORD (1 John 1:1).

Secularists often accuse us of reading Genesis literally but not other portions of the Bible. We point out that we should read the Bible naturally. There is history (e.g., Genesis), poetry (e.g., Psalms), prophecy (e.g., Isaiah), and so on. Different genres of writing require different interpretative methods. Historical documents such as Genesis are not intended to be taken figuratively.

Secularists also attack Christians for not following Old Testament laws. But most secularists have no understanding of the Old Covenant and New Covenant—and they don’t want to. They want to distort and attack the Word.

Challenge to Secularists

I’m burdened for those described in the Bible as “having no hope and without God in the world” (Ephesians 2:12), which is why we boldly proclaim truth. My challenge to secularists is this: the evidence of creation is obvious, so “do not be unbelieving, but believing” (John 20:27) and “lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light” (Romans 13:12 NASB).

Challenge to Believers

When you reject God’s Word in Genesis and interpret it through the lens of man’s fallible, opinionated word, more and more compromise is sure to follow. You see, when you start compromising in one area of the Bible, it isn’t long before compromise shows up in other areas. My challenge to all believers is this: believe all of God’s Word!

God’s Word Is Forever

People are born and die, but “the word of our God stands forever” (Isaiah 40:8)—and no person can ever change that! Secularists can’t change this: “The entirety of Your word is truth, And every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever” (Psalms 119:160).

Many people try to change God’s Word, particularly in Genesis, but “forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven” (Psalms 119:89).

Teaching the Truth

We’re burdened to share these truths from God’s Word with everyone. That’s why we built two major themed attractions: the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter. At this time of year, I encourage you to bring family and friends to hear the gospel at Christmas Town at the Creation Museum. And it will be even more spectacular than last year with extended dates, a live Nativity, exquisite lights, musical concerts, and much more.

Christmas Town at the Creation Museum Christmas Town at the Creation Museum Christmas Town at the Creation Museum

If you haven’t been to the Ark Encounter, I encourage you to visit and bring others. The massive ship is an incredible reminder of the truth of God’s Word. Artists are continuing to work on new exhibits to be added over time. The items below are for a coliseum diorama to be installed in 2017.

Coliseum Fighters Coliseum Shields Dinosaur Sculpture

Hundreds of thousands of visitors have already toured the Ark Encounter as the reach of this Christian-themed attraction continues to grow internationally, praise God. My wife and I often visit this amazing structure, and we recently snapped this photo.

Ken and Mally at Ark Encounter

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