Thankful for a Family-Filled Thanksgiving

by Ken Ham on November 30, 2016
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Last weekend we celebrated Thanksgiving here in America. We had a great time thanking God for His many blessings together as a family. I thought you might enjoy seeing some photos I took over the long weekend.

An Aussie Thanksgiving

We had an Australianized Thanksgiving meal yesterday: roast lamb and my favorite soft drink, ginger beer. Oh, and roast turkey for the Americans present.

Thanksgiving Meal
Thanksgiving Meal
Ginger Beer

Fun with the Grandkids

We took some of our grandkids to Amish country yesterday. We have many dear friends in the Amish and Mennonite communities.

Amish Carriage
Amish Carriage
Amish Carriage
Amish Carriage

Australian Jatz crackers and Vegemite—the best way to babysit a granddaughter.

Ken and Granddaughter

Many of you will remember praying for our first grandchild, Malachi. He had open-heart surgery four years ago this month to replace his aortic valve. Thank you for your prayers. Some of you have asked me about how he is doing. After his surgery he really “grew like a weed” as the saying goes! Well, yesterday he celebrated his 17th birthday. He loves to study creation apologetics and also loves to watch the sci-fi program Dr. Who (wonder where he got that from? 😉).

Malachi’s Birthday Cake

Special Guests and Visiting Friends

I was thrilled to host Bev LaHaye (founder of Concerned Women for America and wife of the late pastor and best-selling author Tim LaHaye) at the Ark Encounter and to take photos with her and her family at the Ark door.

Ken with Bev LaHaye and Family

We visited my dear friends Buddy and Kay Davis at their log cabin northeast of Columbus. Buddy's dinosaur sculptures are on exhibit at the Creation Museum.

Buddy Davis’ House Buddy Davis’ Strings

Date Night Out

My wife dragged me to see “The Phantom Of The Opera” at a local theater. Trying to be a romantic husband, I went, but I had to give up working on my computer to go! It was only 2.5 hours, so I was okay . (I have a reputation to keep, so I pretended I wasn’t enjoying it, so my wife thinks I'm ok).

Ken and Mally at the Opera Ken and Mally at the Opera

This Thanksgiving I’m so thankful that all our kids love the Lord and are bringing their children “up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4 ESV).

Ken and Mally Ham Family

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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