Our Answers for Women conference grows increasingly popular every year. Last year we had over 700 women attend! Well, the conference has grown so large we’ve actually run out of room at the Creation Museum—a good problem to have! So we’ve moved this year’s Answers for Women conference—taking place April 7–8, 2017—to Florence Baptist at Mt. Zion, strategically located about 20 minutes from both the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter. It’s an excellent host facility and is conveniently located right off I-75 in Northern Kentucky (just south of Cincinnati).
This year’s theme is Defend: Ready to Give an Answer. Women will hear from Dr. Georgia Purdom, Erin Benziger, Grace Mally, Marcia Montenegro, Amy Spreeman, Tim Chaffey, and Dr. Corey Abney, as well as worship with talented violinist Lori Jean Smith.
Dr. Georgia Purdom of AiG, who leads the Answers for Women conference, had this to say about Defend:
God calls each of His beloved children to share the hope He has given us through Jesus (1 Peter 3:15). Yet how can we when so many are questioning the very foundation of our faith and false stories abound about Christianity? How would you answer a friend asking if Jesus truly resurrected? How do you share the hope of heaven among all the stories of visits to heaven? Is the Bible even God’s true Word? Should we be involved in things like holy yoga and contemplative prayer? We want to equip you with answers. Join us next April to learn to defend.
And here are some comments from women who attended last year’s women’s conference:
Thank you for being strong in your convictions. It is so refreshing to hear speakers not only hold up the Bible, but also do so unapologetically. [There] was not white washing or watering down here, but there was also no anger. The Bible wasn’t beaten into anyone; we were not made to feel [guilty]; the Bible was simply and honestly delivered. Thank for not adding to the Truth, but for illuminating it for all of us.
Loved that it was about so many of the issues that affect the church, our children, and grandchildren today. So good to hear people stand on godly principles with love but not back down.
I am in the “Millennial” age range, so I experience much of the “New Age” church thinking. This [refreshment] is just what I needed. I was definitely beginning to doubt some of my beliefs. I now feel more confident in the truth. Thank you all!
This has been a wonderful conference. Subject matter is very applicable. I appreciated the passion and intellectual stimulation. As the women’s ministry coordinator in my church, I always lead a ladies retreat. This year we came here. It has been very valuable. Thank for the equipping and encouragement.
I encourage you to register for this unique, biblical-authority-based apologetics conference early—it fills up very quickly and until November 1, 2016, you can get the super early-bird discount. Groups of 5 or more save 10%, so this conference is a great idea for a ladies retreat.
It’s a perfect opportunity to tour the museum and Ark as a family.
Conference attendees receive free admission to the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter, and their accompanying husbands and dependent children receive discounted admission to both—it’s a perfect opportunity to tour the museum and Ark as a family.
I guarantee you will be refreshed and equipped with solid teaching (not “fluff and stuff” but in-depth teaching) from God’s Word—Answers for Women conferences really get into the “meat” of God’s Word by wrestling with real topics that affect people today. Learn more and register on our events page.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.