Ark Encounter Is “So Large It Swallows Up Thousands”

by Ken Ham on July 31, 2016

I enjoy going down to the Ark and asking people what they think of the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky. The most common exclamation I hear is “It’s so huge!” Jaws always drop in sheer amazement when the shuttle bus rounds the corner and the Ark comes into view. It really is bigger than imagination.

“It Swallows Up Thousands”

I recently posted a photo of the Ark to my Facebook page, with the caption, “Nearly 9,000 people visited the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum yesterday (6,000 at the Ark)—thousands of people are pouring in every day.” Here are two of the many comments I received regarding the caption:

I was one of them!!! There were a lot of pleasant surprises on display on the 3rd deck. I also see so many more opportunities to build on it all too! . . .

And if you’re one who’s waiting because you think it’ll be too crowded, stop worrying. The shuttles were great. They handled us all so well. The ark is so large, it swallows up thousands, and you are NOT elbow to elbow.

My husband and I were there on opening day . . . the Ark is [so] big, that you hardly notice how crowded it is. It was a wonderful day.

The crowds at the Ark have been big, but the Ark itself is so huge that it doesn’t feel overwhelming or crowded inside. Just like Noah’s Ark had plenty of room for all the animals and supplies, our Ark has plenty of room for thousands and thousands of guests. And for the first 40 days, we are open 9 a.m. to midnight—so it really helps even out the crowds. When you walk up to the Ark, depending on what time you arrive, you may find only a few people in the preshow area under the Ark—but then you go inside and realize there are thousands touring the Ark!

Future Expansions Coming Soon

We’re working to get the nomad village constructed this year, and we’re expecting to open the restaurant and the theatre by spring 2017.

We’re excited about future phases at the Ark. Construction on a nomad village and a multi-purpose theater will begin soon. We’re also working on opening a fine-dining restaurant on the roof level, which will feature a gorgeous view of the Kentucky countryside. Restaurant guests will be able to walk outside to take in the great scenery. We’re working to get the nomad village constructed this year, and we’re expecting to open the restaurant and the theatre by spring 2017.

Ark Expansion Plan

We have more planned for future phases of Ark Encounter. For instance, phase two, a walled city, is currently under design. You’ll want to visit again and again. Stay up-to-date on construction and exciting developments by reading my blog and following me on Facebook and Twitter. Plan your visit at

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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