The Atheist Delusion Challenges Atheists

by Ken Ham on July 29, 2016

The number of atheists and secularists, especially those in the millennial generation, is quickly growing here in the West. Mostly likely many of the young people you work with and go to school with, and maybe even your young friends or family members, are atheistic or very close to it in their thinking. How do you lovingly expose the utter bankruptcy of their beliefs and point them to Jesus Christ? Well, The Atheist Delusion, a new resource from my friend Ray Comfort, will help you do just that in a loving but challenging way.

Ray Comfort and Living Waters are known for producing wonderful films that get straight to the heart of an issue. If you thought their productions such as 180, Evolution vs. God, and Audacity were powerful, wait until you see The Atheist Delusion. This new production introduces you to a number of different atheists, most of them young college students, very much like the young atheists you probably know.

Ray . . . helps the young people he speaks with to come to the realization that their atheism is not based on an intellectual position but a heart issue.

In the video, this dynamic evangelist shows atheists a colorful book and starts with a simple question—do you think the pages and ink could ever fall together to produce the words and pictures on this book? From that starting point Ray shows the foolishness of the religion of atheism and helps the young people he speaks with to come to the realization that their atheism is not based on an intellectual position but a heart issue. It’s a powerful film!

This new production will help equip you to speak with atheists as you watch Ray gently expose the foolishness of their beliefs while pointing them to the only one who can save them—Jesus Christ, their Creator. I encourage you to view this DVD and share it with others, especially atheists and secularists.

You can purchase a DVD or download of The Atheist Delusion from our online store. Don’t forget to share it with family and friends. I encourage you to obtain multiple copies and hand them out as often as you can.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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