First Loads of Timber Arrive at Ark Site

by Ken Ham on May 14, 2015

It was a historic day at the life-size Ark construction site today. The first heavy timbers arrived from Colorado on two tractor trailer loads (180 more loads to come plus other loads carrying the glulams, the outside cladding, and so on). These timbers are but a small part of the 3.3 million board feet of timber to be used in the construction of the Ark. One board foot is 12 inches long by 12 inches wide by one inch thick, and 3.3 million board feet would stretch from where the Ark is being built in Williamstown, Kentucky, to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania!

Truck Timber Label Skylift

The leaders of the Amish teams who will erect the Ark (they are calling it an “Ark Raising”) were there to supervise. I have also included a photograph of one of the three towers the Ark will anchor to as it begins to go up to eventually seven stories high—you can see a number of the construction workers.


The construction site is very busy since it is getting very close to the time when we will see the timbers start going up for what will be the biggest timber frame building in the world. Keep up to date on this northern Kentucky project at You can watch a short video below to see the first heavy timbers arriving!

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