Rich Bott and Answers in Genesis!

by Ken Ham on May 1, 2015

As I keep travelling around America and overseas (I’m out of the office probably 40% of the time!), I have some wonderful opportunities to reconnect with friends of the ministry. When I was in the Kansas City area over the weekend, I met up again with my friend Rich Bott, president of the Bott Radio Network and a keen AiG booster. Rich has not only visited our Creation Museum, but I see him almost every year at the National Religious Broadcasters conventions in Nashville. His network of stations—covering 15 states1—carries our radio feature Answers with Ken Ham. Visit the Bott Radio Network website to find out more about how you can listen to this programming.

Here is a photo of Rich and me taken during our Answers in Genesis conference in Lenexa (just outside Kansas City) and in front of a Bott display.

Ken Ham and Rich Bott

Rich’s father, Dick (founder and chairman of Bott Radio), has shared with me in the past how he has a special interest in social problems like racial reconciliation (he used to live among many ethnic groups in northern California) and abortion, as we do at AiG. Dick was inducted into the NRB Hall of Fame a few years ago. He greatly appreciates our book One Race One Blood—A Biblical Answer to Racism.

We are grateful for the many Christian radio broadcasters who desire to proclaim the full authority of the Bible from its very first verse. Find out more about Bott Radio here.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.


  1. Arkansas, California, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Wyoming See all footnotes

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