Some Great Sights and Sounds

by Ken Ham on July 12, 2014

You may have heard about the upcoming movie with Christian Bale titled Exodus: Gods and Kings. Bale is playing Moses. It sounds like it will be very violent, and it will concentrate on the rivalry between Moses and pharaoh. When the movie comes out, we will publish a review with more information. But with anything the secular world produces, we should not hold our hope up too high, as it will distort the truth and not be evangelistic. So if you want to see a quality production that is strong on biblical authority and evangelistic, I highly recommend the new “Moses” production by the “Sight and Sound” theater in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, rather than supporting Hollywood.

Many of us are big fans of the theatrical biblical productions staged by the Sight and Sound theaters in Pennsylvania and Missouri. I’ve seen many of their Bible-based dramas and musicals at their theaters in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and Branson, Missouri.

One of our staff members recently attended Sight and Sound’s “Moses” production and was very impressed not only with the Broadway-style sets and special effects, but also the quality of the acting and singing, plus the Bible-proclaiming messages presented—including the gospel at the very end. Our appreciation of Sight and Sound goes beyond the quality of its productions—our like-minded, Bible-upholding ministries promote each other. That connection is clearly seen on the back of many of the “Moses” tickets:

Sight and Sound ticket

The Sight and Sound productions take place in huge auditoriums. Using a variety of wonderful special effects (like its depictions of the parting of the Red Sea and the burning bush, and so on), the experience is stunning—visually and spiritually.

Sight and Sound "Moses" Show

Here is a photo of one of our staff members in the lobby of the Sight and Sound theater in Pennsylvania:

Sight and Sound "Moses"

If you’re thinking about traveling to Lancaster to see “Moses” (and we highly recommend this), then make your travel plans now—some of the shows are already sold out weeks in advance. Because the theater is about an 8–9 hour drive from our Creation Museum, we’re finding that some people who are on vacation in the eastern part of the USA take in both our museum and a Sight and Sound production on their trip.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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