Child’s Sacrificial Gift

by Ken Ham on December 26, 2013

At Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum, we receive many letters of support and encouragement from people who have benefited from our resources and from the ministry of the museum.

Some of the letters I find the most touching are ones that come from children who’ve been impacted by our creation/gospel message.

You see, the secular culture is out to win the hearts and minds of our children—and they are becoming more aggressive at trying to lead them away from the truth of God’s Word. So we’re always encouraged to hear from families who are raising their children on the foundation of the Word of God, teaching them to love Him and to hide His Word in their hearts.

I recently received a letter to the ministry from the father of a seven-year-old boy—with a donation from his son—who recently visited the Creation Museum. The father wrote the following:

My son and our family recently saved to take a family trip from Ma to KY [Massachusetts to Kentucky] to see the museum. We loved it! The other day he came with his t Rex piggy bank and said he wanted to send you and Buddy Davis [the museum’s dinosaur sculptor and musician] his best big coins for your ministry, so here they are!

I pray God will bless this child’s sacrificial gift and use it to bring other kids to the truth of God’s Word and salvation. The sad thing is whenever I write blog posts like this about children, a number of atheists usually respond with quite nasty comments on my Facebook page or in other blogs! Pray for them—sadly, they hate to see kids being taught the truth, and they want to capture these kids for the evil one.

Beginning next year, we’re starting our “kids admitted free in 2014” museum campaign, where all children ages 12 and under can get into the Creation Museum for free (with one paying adult). I urge you to bring as many kids as you can to the Creation Museum in 2014. We need to stand our ground and rescue our children from the influence of a culture that becomes more anti-God all the time.


Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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