Pres. Obama and Climate Change—Free Download Offer

by Ken Ham on June 30, 2013

Today I would like to offer you a free download of a book that deals with climate change—in response to the statements made by President Obama recently.

Climates have changed and do change—and that has certainly happened since the Flood of Noah’s day.

Recently, President Obama made a statement about climate change where he essentially said that anyone who disagrees with him is a “flat-earther”:

He later added, addressing those who deny climate change science: “We don’t have time for a meeting of the flat-earth society.” (
Now, we at Answers in Genesis certainly don’t deny the reality of climate change—we just have a different idea about why the climate changes and what causes it. After the catastrophic global Flood, the earth was dramatically changed, and much of the change in climate over the centuries has been due to the changes from the Flood.

But President Obama has such a disregard for the Bible (as shown in his overwhelming support for abortion and same-sex marriage), I’m sure he would reject an understanding of the biblical Flood in relation to climate.

We can, of course, observe the earth and know it is round and not flat. It’s also taught in the Bible, which tells us it is round—Isaiah 40:22. But climate change is very complex, involving many variables and unknowns with much disagreement among scientists. What’s more, right now the earth is in a cooling trend, which is why researchers now use the term “climate change” rather than “global warming”!

It’s common for atheists to call biblical creationists “flat-earthers.” Many biblical creationists do accept climate change; they just aren’t sure that man’s contribution is as significant as the world would lead us to believe. It’s a curious thing for the president to bring up the term flat-earther.

President Obama should really read the articles on climate change and global warming available from Answers in Genesis—but, sadly, that is not likely to happen. However, we want to make these articles available to you so that you will be better equipped.

Free Download and Extra Discounts

Use the promo code GLOBAL25 (good from June 30 to July 15) for a free download and all discounts requested below.
  1. For a free download of our Global Warming pocket guide, use the coupon code above as you order.
  2. Use the coupon code to receive an extra 25% off our complete set of pocket guides.
  3. Finally, use the coupon code to receive an extra 25% off the Global Warming DVD and book combo.
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