And Now—Global Cooling

by Ken Ham on June 23, 2013

Answers magazine, published by our ministry of Answers in Genesis, is a fantastic creation-based worldview magazine packed with information—all from the biblical perspective. The newest issue is going out soon, and I wanted to give you all a special sneak peek at one of the articles in it.

Now, global warming and climate change have been hot-button issues over the past few years. And in the “Perspective” section of Answers, we have a special article dealing with climate change. I’ve included it below:

Global Cooling?

Some proponents of catastrophic global warming are finally admitting that the actual global temperature is not rising as fast as their models predict. In fact, data published recently by the British Met Office* may actually indicate the beginning of a cooling trend. The official global temperatures published by the Met Office appear to be dropping out of the range predicted with 90% confidence by computer climate models.

Piers Forster, climate change professor at Leeds University, notes, “Global surface temperatures haven't risen in the past fifteen years. . . . [They] make the high estimates unlikely.” professor Judith Curry of the Georgia Institute of technology agrees that “[climate] models are running too hot” and says the “current flat trend may continue for two more decades.”

Most of the scientists who believe the earth is heating up at catastrophic rates believe the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide from human activity is the primary cause of increasing global temperature for the past half century. According to creation meteorologist Dr. Larry Vardiman, “They have not considered some of the long-term changes in solar activity as a possible explanation for this divergence from their predictions.”

For years, some creation scientists who specialize in climate have maintained that global warming is driven by cyclical solar effects that the Creator apparently put in place. Over the past five years, Dr. Vardiman has been predicting that the global temperature should have started declining sometime after 2000, based on complex statistical studies of the Central England Temperature (CET) records and solar activity. Such data appear to confirm those predictions, although the downturn has taken longer than predicted to begin.

The British Met Office has now released strong evidence for this global cooling trend.

Based on observations of the solar effects that drive global temperature, Dr. Vardiman and others believe temperatures should continue to decline for several decades to come.

Unfortunately, Western governments have invested so much capital and reputation into the carbon dioxide theory that they are unlikely to give up on it anytime soon. This seems to be another sad case where people who reject the Bible’s revelation are chasing costly errors. If only they would recognize that we live on a young earth that has undergone radical climate changes as a result of the Flood, they would spend their efforts more wisely on understanding climate problems and solving them!

These climate variations should not surprise us or cause undue alarm. We know that God is holding the earth together until the day of His final judgment, and nothing can destroy it until He dissolves it Himself.

By the way, Mark Looy, our CCO, pointed out to me that when he took a college class in the 1970s, his instructor warned his class about future global cooling, not warming. The professor had his students read a book about global cooling and other dangers to the world. Now, global cooling may not have been the unanimous belief of all climatologists in the 1970s, but a significant number of researchers did believe in it—so much so that even the major weekly news magazines of the day time covered the possibility of a cooling planet. Bottom line: climate studies are not an exact science, though scientists like Dr. Vardiman have more data to examine today, and his studies suggest a cooling trend right now, not a warming one.

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Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


*The British weather service

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