A Poem in Our Honor

by Ken Ham on January 13, 2013

A seventeen-year-old named Lucy who has visited the Creation Museum sent the following feedback and poem I thought I would share with you:

Dear Ken Ham and AiG staff,

This Creation Museum is amazing! I am impressed, encouraged and instructed after my time here. Thank you–I have been so blessed by your ministry. I wrote this poem in your honor. Hope you enjoy it.

Let souls be still; let lips be gateways sealed Let regents bow and judges bend and yield Before this high and awful mystery We cannot fathom what our eyes can see

Almighty Spirit wears a robe of dust Full Deity confined in earthly crust Somehow, the potent powers of Godhead mesh With beating blood and sinews of the flesh

But deeper wonder, blacker mystery Behold this veil of frail humanity! For blood runs down, and flesh is slashed and torn And God bears pain like man has never borne

“I AM” took on the form of Adam’s line Indwelling cursed creation, though Divine Yet His body, battered in men’s senseless spite Seems hardly man in its gore tonight

But now this desecrated frame of earth Receives God’s breath and warms to second birth The silent pulse renews its rhythm fresh In wrists scarred by iron piercing flesh

The spotless Lamb Messiah, ever wise He lives within His world, He serves, He dies Exalt Him high, all sons of human race For His gift, His glory and His grace

Praise His Name! Soli Deo Gloria!

– Lucy, 17 years

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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