Syndicated Radio Host Endorses Already Compromised Book

by Ken Ham on January 18, 2012

Janet Mefferd is the host of a radio program called (not too surprisingly) The Janet Mefferd Show. It’s a nationally syndicated program on 100 stations that looks at news and events of our day through the lens of the Bible. Janet is a former reporter for a major newspaper, The Dallas Morning News.

Recently, Janet named her favorite books of 2011 and listed our book Already Compromised as one of them.

Already Compromised details research into what Christian college professors and their leaders are teaching concerning Genesis. The results were shocking and revealing. You can find out more about Already Compromised and order it from our online bookstore.

After we wrote and thanked her for including our book in the listing, Janet emailed us back.

Already Compromised is a great and very needed book. I’m so glad Ken wrote it! I really appreciate his commitment to the Word of God. I will be at NRB [National Religious Broadcasters convention next month], and I hope I can see anyone from AiG. You guys are great! Please pass along my thanks to Ken for writing such great books and for all he does to serve the Lord!

– Janet

Book Review Coming Soon

Be sure to come back to our website on Thursday to read a preliminary review of a shocking new book by a well-known academic who has considerable influence in Christian circles.

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