Psalm 51

by Ken Ham on June 11, 2011

This past week during our Thursday chapel, the AiG staff were blessed to sit under the teaching of staff member Steve Fazekas.

He spoke about Psalm 51 as a part of a series of chapels being presented by different staff members. I encourage you to listen to this presentation as you will be blessed by this great teaching—and—you will also be thrilled to learn more about the biblical knowledge and dedication of a typical AiG staff member.

You can listen to the audio Steve Fazekas staff meeting.

Ark Park Could Break Ground in August

Here is a good news article about the Ark Park (one minor correction ,though–it should be I-75 not I-71; perhaps that will be corrected soon by the paper):

It begins:

Groundbreaking for the $172 million Ark Encounter project could be as early as August, now that tax rebates for the attraction have been green-lighted. The approval of incentives virtually assures the project will be built on the Grant County site identified by developers at a December press conference in Frankfort.”

You can read the rest of the article here.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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