Answers Resources Ministering in Bulgaria

by Ken Ham on June 2, 2011

Last October, Dr. Terry Mortenson of our staff gave lectures in various places in Bulgaria. We have been thrilled to receive reports of the continuing positive impact of that visit. (In a future blog, we’ll report on Terry’s speaking opportunities in Egypt last week.)

Recently we received a number of photographs from Bulgaria, along with the following email report:

Another few pictures I am sending you from the Child Evangelism Fellowship ministry in Bulgaria. They have gotten 200 sets of AiG's Kids Answers Books series and are actively using them to train Sunday school teachers and church kids all over Bulgaria and their staff in their offices in the big cities of Bulgaria. In this line of thought [we want to] translate and distribute the Kids Answers series in Turkish in Bulgaria to the Muslims here which are ethnic Turks. The books will have a major effect in reaching the young Muslims here for sure . . . there are already missionaries, ministries and churches that work with Muslims that are eagerly awaiting for the books.

Here are the photographs:

How we praise the Lord for the way He uses AiG to equip and challenge people around the world.

Speaking in Illinois This Weekend

Today I begin a series of lectures for the home educators convention in illinois. I speak Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. For details, go to the event page.

Seminary President Speaks at AiG

Yesterday, AiG staff were privileged to welcome Dr. Daniel Akin, president of the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (North Carolina) as our special chapel speaker. Dr. Akin and his wife Charlotte then toured the Creation Museum. Here is a photograph of Dr. Akin as he spoke to our staff:

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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