A Testimony from a Creationist Pediatrician

by Ken Ham on October 24, 2010

This past Thursday, AiG staff had the privilege of hearing a presentation from a specialist doctor who changed from being an evolutionist to an on-fire biblical creationist. He now teaches others on the importance of taking Genesis as literal history. Dr. Doug Henry is a pediatrician, currently working at Ft. Campbell Army military base near Clarksville, TN. He trained at Columbia University Medical Center and did his residency at Presbyterian Hospital in New York City, the pediatric training hospital then called Babies Hospital.

Dr. Henry told me the following:

I was an evolutionist for 20 years or so after high school, even as a Christian. I was challenged to think about the process of, and rate required for, fossilization to occur. AiG had a significant part in that challenge to me.

I am a member of [a church] in Nashville, TN, where my wife and I worship and serve. Part of God's will for me is to defend the “pre-Israelite” Bible (Genesis 1–11) to the church, in view of the dearth of ability in churches to consider why young earth creationism is not only what the Bible teaches but is also consistent with what science demonstrates.

My wife, grandchildren, and our guest family had a great experience at the museum. Thanks for your ministry!

You can hear Dr. Henry’s 20 minute presentation to the staff here:

staff meeting

Here is a photograph of me taken with Dr. Henry in the main hall of the museum:

This is a photograph with Dr. Henry’s family who visited the museum with him:

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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