A Service to Your Pastor

by Ken Ham on September 5, 2010

Most of you reading this blog post will have already attended your church on Sunday morning. Here’s an idea for you: send an email to your pastor to express your appreciation for his ministry to you (and your whole congregation), and then please consider sending him a link to our site for our national conference for pastors, Answers for Pastors.

In less than three weeks, we will be holding our first-ever national conference for Christian leaders. It will be hosted here in the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky area, September 21–23. I will be one of the speakers.

Answers for Pastors already has over 370 participants registered. It will be held just a few miles from the Creation Museum, so it’s a wonderful opportunity for pastors to (as we recently said in our newsletter) “reaffirm and reignite their passion for the authority of God’s Word as they hear the Bible come alive. They will even enjoy a special VIP visit to the museum.”

With great speakers like Dr. John Whitcomb (co-author of the creationist classic The Genesis Flood), Answers for Pastors is designed to give every pastor a solid biblical defense for the Christian faith, which will ultimately benefit their congregations.

To add to the pastors’ blessing of being with us for edification and refreshment, we are encouraging their wives to attend many of the sessions as well, and enjoy special events designed just for her. The pastor’s wife attends at half price, and also gets free admission to the Creation Museum as part of her already-low conference fee.

Each pastor who attends this Bible-affirming conference will walk away with a new passion for God’s Word and a passion to defend it more effectively. Make sure your pastor doesn’t miss out!

Email this blog post to your pastor and encourage him (and his wife) to attend the conference later this month, and to also tour the Creation Museum. For more information about Answers for Pastors, go to www.AnswersForPastors.org.

Special Veterans with Us

This past week we saw many submariners in the Creation Museum. Several hundred of them were in town for this year’s national convention for submarine veterans (some of them served in World War II). The caps and special vests they wore indicated the submarine on which they served. Later in the day, I saw several of these veterans with their spouses at a local restaurant.

Read this report about their special convention on the website of the Cincinnati Enquirer (this report was also on the front page of the newspaper's local section).

Georgia Radio

It was good to meet Lillian Cash last Sunday. She’s one of the announcers at the network of Toccoa Falls Radio in Georgia. Lillian toured our Creation Museum that weekend, and then I ran into her on Sunday morning at a church service in our area. Over the years, she has interviewed me for her noontime program; the network also airs our Answers radio program.

Last Tuesday, she took a lot of time on her radio program (she also plays some southern gospel music during her time slot) to rave about her museum visit. She also got a surprise phone call—live and on the air—from Mark Looy of our staff to thank her for her friendship and support over the many years, and to express appreciation for the kind words she had just shared with her listeners about the museum visit. Lillian told her radio audience that she was thrilled to know that the Creation Museum is so evangelistic.

You can find out more about Lillian and the stations in the Toccoa Falls Radio network at this website: http://www.toccoafallsradio.org/onair/round.htm

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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