Global Food Crisis Day

by Ken Ham on January 19, 2010

The National Religious Broadcasters (we are an NRB member) sent us the following news item. As we think about the tens of thousands of people who died in the Haitian earthquake of last week, we should also be reminded that several thousand children perish each day around the world from hunger and malnutrition. The NRB news item (excerpted here) states:

Compassion International will sponsor “Global Food Crisis Day” on February 10, 2010. This important day will be devoted to highlighting the needs of children in countries like Guatemala, where many children are suffering and dying from acute malnourishment and illnesses in the “Dry Corridor” region that was heavily affected by the El Niño weather phenomenon.

Click here for more information about the February 10th “Global Food Crisis Day”—including media resources like audio promos and website video—and here to learn more about Compassion International.

Now, to make a donation to help with the immediate needs in Haiti, we suggest you visit the Food for the Hungry website and also watch its video to learn how it is bringing in water, food, and medical supplies to Haiti (AiG staff, by the way, have generously donated to Food for the Hungry over the years, including for its efforts in Darfur, Sudan).

Photo Finish

Want to see some wonderful photos of our Bethlehem’s Blessings Christmas program at the Creation Museum that finished earlier this month (17,000 people turned out)? See a slide show on this video, accompanied by music from AiG’s Buddy Davis (“The Hands that Created the World”), below:

Most of the photos, I understand, were taken by Marty and Deb Minnard of our staff. Great job.


Judah shall be saved . . . this is his name

(Jeremiah 23:6) In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.

At judgment what name will man be called? If he only his own as self righteousness, then hell; if the name of the Lord Jesus Christ His righteousness, then Heaven.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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