In Elvis Country

by Ken Ham on November 9, 2009

As soon as my wife and I got on the rent-a-car shuttle from the airport, the driver said, “Welcome to Elvis country.” Well we didn’t come to Memphis, Tennessee, because this is “Elvis country”; we came so I could speak at a conference to help equip people to defend the Christian faith and to challenge non-Christians concerning the gospel.

I spoke to over 2000 at the Sunday morning services of Faith Baptist Church and then to around 1500 Sunday evening for the first of the two evening conference. Today I give two presentations to students, and then this evening the last two presentations of the conference will be held (find out details from the AiG website).

Once again, as I have reported from other meetings, I had parents tell me that their young child (for example, a young girl 10 years old who spoke to me) wanted to come to all the sessions. A lady told me that her son (who has a disability) listened so intently (normally he doesn’t) and wanted to come to all the sessions that she can’t wait to bring him back. So many other testimonies.

Here are some photos:

Faith Baptist Church Faith Baptist Church Faith Baptist Church Faith Baptist Church Faith Baptist Church Faith Baptist Church Faith Baptist Church Faith Baptist Church

The senior pastor, Danny Sinquefield, wth me

Thank You

We praise the Lord for the many encouraging notes we receive—like this one on how God is blessing this apologetics ministry:
Thank you Ken. Your material gets my teens’ attention and if they are in heaven one day, it will be because of you and your ministry.


Unto His habitation shall you seek and thou shall come

(Deuteronomy 12:5) But unto the place which the Lord your God shall choose out of all your tribes to put his name there, even unto his habitation shall ye seek, and thither thou shalt come:

Love to the Lord Jesus Christ is when in the morning we say no to the many pressing urgencies that call out first, and instead seek first our private time with Him.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,Ken

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