Special “Down Under” Visitor

by Ken Ham on September 12, 2009

Animal trainer and good friend of Answers in Genesis, Dan Breeding, stopped by our offices this week and showed off his newest baby—a kangaroo. Since I’m an Aussie, I’m fascinated by kangaroos. This “gray” kangaroo is about 7 months old and still nursing, but will eventually become 6 feet tall when full grown.


Dan Breeding is featured in one of the newest children’s videos that we carry, Creation Proclaims: Climbers and Creepers. You may recognize him from one of his presentations here at the Creation Museum, or from his appearances on various national TV talk shows, such as The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, and Good Morning America, and so on. We love it when Dan comes by—often we have no idea what creature he’ll be showing us. On a previous visit, it was the African crested porcupine—it features in the current issue of Answers magazine (subscribers, see vol. 4.3, page 20, “Thorny Pigs”).

By the way, the folks in the first picture are mainly from our Communications Division which produces Answers magazine, but also our websites, radio program, DVDs, etc. They enjoyed the interruption! The second picture (below) is of Dan Breeding and the kangaroo with AiG’s Buddy Davis. Buddy, as every AiG supporter knows, just loves working with animals and so had to get his photo with one of Australia’s favorite animals!

Dan Breeding

Find more about Dan at his website.

Gap Theory—Out the Window

A recent Creation Museum visitor sent us this note:

A friend of my husband has a lifetime membership to the Creation Museum. We've been wanting to go, so last Saturday we went . . . blew my mind away! I subscribed immediately to the Answers Magazine and couldn't decide where to start in the bookstore. LOL!

I used to believe the "pre-adamic" or "gap theory" simply because that made the most sense, but after all I learned Saturday, it put things in so much better perspective that the "gap theory" went flying out the window! My husband is a research scientist and he has leaned toward the "Intelligent Design" theory, until last Saturday. We are big science buffs (I am a former dental hygienist) and we love all the documentaries and such and are so interested in all this!

I couldn't decide what to buy at the bookstore . . . so I thought I might as well buy Ken Ham's 2 books about Answers and the entire DVD collection shown there at the museum for a start. My little girl (she's in 3rd grade) had the teachers jaws dropping at school . . . she is so funny, she was so excited to tell them that "dinosaurs were on the Ark and that the Earth is only [thousands of ] years old and what destroyed most of them was the big flood that God caused to happen which broke up the land mass into what we know today". I had to laugh. She was paying attention!

I'll be praying that God reveals more and more to your organization . . . He is such an incredible God, and I keep learning more and more every day just how incredible He really is! Let me know how we can help support your work! I'm setting up a "group trip" down to the museum with our church sometime in the near future . . . Would love to take a group of my children's friends down too.

By the way, for a critique of the gap theory, read “What About the Gap & Ruin-Reconstruction Theories?

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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