Fascinating and Challenging Testimony

by Ken Ham on February 27, 2009

As the AiG board of directors is meeting this week, a different board member has been bringing a message for our staff’s normal morning AiG staff devotion and prayer time for each of the mornings they are here. These messages are being recorded so blog readers can also listen to them.

On Wednesday morning, board member Dan Chin from Chicago gave a fascinating and challenging testimony to the staff.

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You can hear Dan’s testimony at this audio link.

Tomorrow, I will provide a link for the message Dr. Mark Jackson–a retired pastor and former Bible college president—brought to the staff on Thursday morning.

Answers Magazine Used in the Country of Georgia

A missionary from the country of Georgia writes:
Answers in Genesis played a HUGE role in my life. After coming to Christ in 1990, I still often struggled with believing the Bible, and especially struggled to believe God had forgiven me. My father was a Christian and Bible teacher, but he believed in long ages. I can remember thinking, if “all” doesn’t mean “all” when it talks about the flood “ALL the high hills and ALL the high mountains” ALL the whole earth, etc, maybe it doesn’t mean ALL when it says God forgives ALL our sins. Then my sister gave me the book, The Genesis Flood, and I began reading.
Then an AiG seminar came to my town, Greenville, SC, and I attended. I soaked up everything like a sponge! Through your ministry, I gained a passionate love for and trust in God’s Word, learning that every word is true and trustworthy. Now, I often use your materials in my ministry. I use Answers magazine with some of my English students (I also do some tutoring in English), and I used your materials on death and suffering when working with refugees.


Great among the Nations

(Malachi 1:11) For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same my name shall be great among the Gentiles; and in every place incense shall be offered unto my name, and a pure offering: for my name shall be great among the heathen, says the LORD of hosts.

From Ethiopian huts to Alaskan igloos to Russian apt’s to Indonesian lean to’s to Tokyo high rises to U.S. ranches, the name of the Lord Jesus Christ is adored.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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