Aussie Miracle Baby

by Ken Ham on December 13, 2008

Every baby is a miracle—but an Aussie baby born recently was an extra-special miracle. You see this baby’s parents were on the verge of getting a divorce—they were both unsaved—but the Lord did a miracle in their life and saved them for eternity. I want to introduce you to our friends Terry and Julie from Australia. If any of you have purchased the Home Bible Study Program called Answers for Life (it is a short Bible study program using a Creation Evangelism approach) you will have seen Terry’s name. Terry helped my brother Stephen put this course together, as Terry was saved as a result of going through the initial course Stephen had put together to win people to Christ.

Let me have my brother Stephen tell you this exciting account:

This baby is a special event in the lives of Terry and Julie and signifies a miracle in their lives. Just 4 years ago, this couple was separated after being married for only one year and they were going through a very hard time. Both Terry and Julie had rejected God in their non Christian lives. There seemed to be no hope for this couple as they spiralled toward divorce and a continued godless life. When Terry decided to complete the “Answers for life”course with me [Stephen Ham—Ken’s brother], Julie agreed to come along as a last effort for their marriage. Terry was instantly surprised that there were real answers for Christian faith that made sense of the physical world around him and also his own life. Julie also heard things about the Bible and Jesus that she had never previously considered and they both came to faith in Christ. They then had the foundation to work on their marriage in a Christian environment and became a couple living for Christ and telling others about Him. They even assisted in developing the Answers for Life course now published by AIG.
Terry and I came on a trip to the USA in 2007 to jointly promote the Answers for Life course. It was on this trip that Terry was called back to Australia because Julie had miscarried their first child. Stephen was very concerned for Terry and Julie at this stage because having such a devastating event happen as new Christians would really test their faith. But, it was also at this time that we realised that Terry and Julie’s faith was rock solid. Commenting to Stephen they both told him that they had been truly comforted and aided by the book How could a loving God (written by Ken with a lot of information about our brother Robert who passed away) which helped them to keep the right perspective through this trial and in fact increased their desire to embrace Christ. So now we have a bundle of joy, a true gift from God. Jasmine is alive today because God saved two people, mended their marriage, and carried them through a trial. We praise God with Terry and Julie for the safe delivery of Jasmine Chloe.
Here is a photo of Jasmine, and also one of Julie holding Jasmine!


You can find out more about the Answers for Life course from the AiG website.

The Money Jar

Over the years, we have heard of many varied ways that people support Answers in Genesis. For instance, one of our supporters is a farmer who sells a load of soybeans each year and the proceeds all come to AiG. We’ve heard of children setting up a lemonade stand to make money to send to AiG. Well last week, one of our accounting staff sent me this email:
Today about noon, I got a call from admissions. I was told me that there was a man out front who had a jar of money he wanted to give to the museum. When I got to the Members Express desk a man was waiting. He handed me a cloth sack that was very heavy. Inside was a large plastic jar like you would see in a restaurant and I could see 5’s, 10’s and 20’s and several rolls of coins. He said that his family had collected the money for the museum and he just wanted us to have it.
I asked if his address was on the jar and he said he didn’t care about the taxes he just wanted us to have the money. I asked if he had been a supporter and he said that he was a member and this was his fifth trip from North Carolina. He explained that he was the only one in his family who drove so when someone wanted to come he brought them. Needless to say I tried to thank him but he was anxious to be on his way to tour the museum again. The jar contained over $450.00
This evening I was waiting with the group to walk through the Bethlehem Blessings presentation and our benefactor came out of the theatre where he had just heard Carl Kerby speak. I approached him once again to thank him and before I could speak he said if you are done with the jar I’ll take it home and fill it up again. I went to the office and found the jar, brought it to the lobby, handed it to the man and he was on his way back home.
We are so thankful to the Lord and to this family for their support. AiG is built on many people who give what they can to enable this ministry to operate.

Media Coverage of "Bethlehem's Blessings"

Among the many media outlets that dropped by the museum on Friday to check out the new “Bethlehem's Blessings” Christmas program at our museum was the CDR Radio Network in Ohio (with several radio stations in its network). This fine network of Christian stations has carried our “Answers” radio program since we started syndicating it over 14 years ago, and over the years, CDR has sent its reporters here many times, and they were at the museum on opening day 18 months ago.

CDR's Eric Johnson and Chad Bresson (pictured—photo taken on a cell phone) did two live broadcasts from the museum's portico on Thursday and Friday.


Also on Friday, a reporter with El Periodico (a Spanish newspaper located in Barcelona) was here, as well as a film crew form Cornerstone Television, based out of Pittsburgh. That TV crew planned to spend about two hours in the afternoon filming the museum, but were so taken in by the experience, they stayed for about 6 hours (they also wanted to see the lights at night). With a 5 1/2 hour drive back to Pittsburgh, they probably got home well past midnight.

Other media outlets dropped by Friday, including our hometown papers The Cincinnati Enquirer and The Community Recorder, plus the national Christian newspaper The Christian Citizen.

The photo of the museum’s façade was taken by my long-time friend Lynn and emailed to me while I am out on the West Coast. Thank you, Lynn, for sending me the great photo, but it only makes me wish I could have been there for the start of “Bethlehem's Blessings” on Friday!


Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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