Recently, one of our supporters contacted us to request that we make available Mike Riddle’s stem cell DVD for a special purpose: because of a constitutional amendment proposed in Michigan related to stem-cell research. Various AiG staff worked quickly to get this done—so now you can view this tremendous video online at AiG’s website.
An AiG supporter wrote:
Thanks [for those] who worked to make the Stem Cell DVD available online quickly, and of course, to Mike Riddle for doing the talk. May the Lord bless you for taking a stand! There is widespread misconception about stem cell research, and your video does a fantastic job of clarifying the issue, in an understandable way. All the proposal supporters have to do is draw on compassion for the sick and injured, which I share. Most don’t realize that there are NON-embryonic sources of stem cells, that have much more promise.
If you haven’t viewed it yet, I encourage you to go online and view the video on stem cell research (and there are other videos you can view online as well).
Over the weekend I spoke at two Code Blue rallies (in two states) with Brannon Howse from Worldview Weekends. At the meeting last night in Ohio, one lady told me she was on a plane flight and was sharing with the passenger beside her about some terrible tragedy in her life—the person just happened to have with them a copy of my book How Could a Loving God . . . ? (dealing with the death and suffering issue) and gave it to her (God is Sovereign!—He knew this person would need this book). She brought it along for me to sign and asked me to pray for her family. The Lord knows who she is, so could I ask you to pray for her? She has gone through an extremely difficult time with tragedies none of us would want to face.
I have included some photographs taken over the weekend:
One of our guest services staff in the Creation Museum was recently stopped in the parking lot by a couple as they were leaving the museum. They wanted to thank him and asked him to relay this message. They said in all their travels throughout the United States, they have never been to a place where the staff was so kind, caring, helpful, and considerate as they experienced in their visit to the Creation Museum. Thanks to everyone for their servant’s hearts and great attitudes.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.