“America Is Doomed” If We Believe in Creation

by Ken Ham on September 23, 2008

In yet another ignorant editorial piece in a secular news source (The Rutland Herald, Vermont), we read such statements as:

It is profoundly important in a free society to respect an individual’s belief in the Bible; it just happens to be a lousy cornerstone for formulating a science program. Increasingly, our on-again, off-again support for long-term commitments is pushing American involvement in major scientific efforts to one side. Why should Europe, China, Japan or India choose us as a partner when they know we're unlikely to see a 10- or 20-year project through?
This editorial piece is slamming the Republican vice presidential candidate because of her Christian views. The sad thing is that the author of this piece does not understand that the observational science that built modern technology came out of a Christian basis. I wonder if this writer would have slammed Isaac Newton had he lived in his time. Imagine telling one of the greatest scientists the world has ever known that his Christian beliefs (the basis for his science) were “a lousy cornerstone,” and no good science could ever come from them!

You can read the entire article at:


Dino-Mite Prize Winner

This is a report from the Museum Divison concerning their special “Dino-Mite” Readers program conducted for children at various times here at the Creation Museum:
Dino-Mite Readers is very happy to announce the Grand Prize Winner for the Summer Reading Program. Caleb S, won by participating in our daily teaching time as we walk children and their families through the 7C’s of History, using resources found in the Dragon Hall bookstore. Caleb joins the other prize-winning readers for the summer. Lillian P. (June); Bryson S. (July); and Naomi H. (August). Congratulations to all four of our winners, and thank you to everyone who participated as we learned the 7C’s together. We hope you will come back and see us again soon.
In the fall we will have more hands-on, interactive reading times for you and your child to learn together so plan on joining us Monday–Thursday (1:30 & 3:30); Friday (3:30 & 6:30) and Sunday (3:30).
Find out more from the Creation Museum website:


ABWE Board Hosted at AiG

Last night, AiG hosted a dinner for the ABWE (Association of Baptists for World Evangelism) board of directors who visited the Creation Museum and are holding their board of directors meeting in Cincinnati this year. After dinner, I spoke to the board members about the various outreaches of the AiG ministry and the relevance of the messages we bring for today’s world.

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