AiG Ministering to Women

by Ken Ham on December 8, 2007

We praise the Lord for the various staff He has brought to the AiG–USA ministry to enable us to reach out to all sorts of people. Dr. Georgia Purdom is not only a qualified scientist, but a great AiG speaker. We are now finding she is being invited to special events for women—and as a woman, Georgia is able to share in ways our male speakers could not. I was thrilled to get this feedback from Georgia’s recent speaking engagement to a group of women:

This past Saturday, I had the pleasure of speaking to the ladies’ Christmas luncheon for Grace Fellowship Church (Florence, KY). There were approximately 100 ladies in attendance to hear me give my personal testimony entitled, “My Plans, God’s Detours”. This was the first time I’ve had the opportunity to speak to “ladies only.” It was very enjoyable and the fellowship was great. My testimony involves a mini “relevance of Genesis” talk as I relate it to how I came to work for Answers in Genesis and how it helped me deal with the issues of death and suffering in my own life. I was amazed afterwards when for an hour straight women shared with me their concerns when it comes to their children and the teaching of creation/evolution. Although only a small part of my testimony, it had a huge impact (we even sold out of The New Answers Book!). I encouraged the women to get out there and share their own personal testimonies or stories. While it’s important to tell people about Jesus Christ from the Bible, it’s also important to tell people how Jesus Christ has made a difference in their own life. One college student told me I had really encouraged her as she is in the processing of “planning” her life and knows that there will be detours but that God is in control. Many had been to the museum and were excited to have such a wonderful place for teaching their children the Biblical view of origins right in their own backyard. I am so thankful for the opportunities that AiG now has to minister to women specifically and hope that more opportunities will be forthcoming.

If you are interested in having Dr. Purdom speak at a women’s conference or other meetings for women, you can do so by calling AiG or going through the AiG events website.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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