Begin the New Reformation

by Ken Ham on October 1, 2007

Well, readers of Answers magazine are responding extremely positively to the latest issue of this world-class magazine. This particular issue has a big emphasis on the authority of the Word of God and the need for a new reformation in the culture. One subscriber wrote:

“Last night, while my daughter made cupcakes, I read the recent issue of the Answers Magazine to her. We were blessed by the challenge to begin the new Reformation right here in our own community. Well, it's no coincidence that we see that very change happening right in front of our eyes, in our home town. So, I am writing to find out how I can receive additional copies of the Answers magazine each month for our small group and Sunday School.”
Subscriptions to the world's leading creation/evolution/worldview magazine can be made through the AiG website.


We’ve all heard of the animal rights movement—well, as a result of a new article, evolutionists should consider starting a plants rights movement.

The article begins: “Plants and animals may occupy distinct branches on the tree of life, but they could be more alike than we think. In fact, green plants and animals enjoy a relatively close evolutionary relationship that has been obscured by a narrow focus on DNA sequences to find relatedness, says biologist John Stiller of East Carolina University.”

Of course, if evolutionists did start a plants rights movement and agreed with the animal rights movement, they would begin disappearing very quickly!

You can read the entire article at:

I am currently in Dallas/Fort Worth area for the NANC conference.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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