Salvation and eight-year-old

by Ken Ham on August 26, 2007

Yesterday my blog featured a story about the HELP at Home Live Show on the Bob Jones University Home Satellite Network (remember the Caveman parody?). The director of the program sent me this email they received after airing the show on the Creation Museum:

I live in Northern Kentucky and have had a chance to visit the Creation Museum several times. I wanted to let Mr. Ham know that this museum is such a blessing and I praise God for it. My 8 year old son has accepted the Lord in part because of the way the gospel is presented. I'm praying for you, the staff, and the museum.
Many have commented to me and AiG staff that they are so thrilled that the gospel is so plainly and boldly presented throughout the Creation Museum.


This Wednesday is the beginning of my speaking tour of Scotland—starting on the Isle of Lewis (a fascinating place). Please pray for this time as I speak in a country that has become so secularized because of the influence of millions of years/evolutionary teaching and compromise in the church. Please note the itinerary on the AiG website and consider putting each speaking date on your prayer calendar. Also pray for the Answers in Genesis ministry in the UK that the Lord will greatly bless this faith-funded ministry in such a pagan country.

Today the Museum had over 2600 visitors. I visited with some of the people for an hour or so—people were SO grateful that such a facility exists—so many testimonies of how the message of the museum and the messages proclaimed through other AiG outreaches has affected their lives and others.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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