One of the world’s most visited websites features Creation Museum

by Ken Ham on August 24, 2007—one of the world’s most visited religious sites featured a story on the Creation Museum. It is worth reading the particular direction this writer went with. He begins:

“And everywhere there are signs reminding guests that they have two choices when determining historical truth: God’s Word or human reason. So choose wisely. On a wall a sign reads: Human philosophy says ‘I think, therefore I am.’ Biblical truth, meanwhile, makes clear of God that ‘I am that I am.’ That struggle between following the mind of God and the mind of man is largely the reason so much emotion is brought to the table when creationists come face to face with evolutionists, whether they be Christians or not. It is why more than 800 scientists from Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana signed a ‘statement of concern’ about the museum, and why a physics/astronomy professor from Cleveland rated the museum a 4 out of 5 for technology – 5 being best – and a 5 for propaganda and negative 5 for content.”
You can read the rest of the article at:


I have included a photograph of Darren Jiggens from Dalby, Australia (the Jiggens family are very close friends of Mally and me), who gave a couple days of his vacation (he is currently touring the USA and staying with us) to use his training and talents to repair the suspension bridge in the Creation Museum Botanical Gardens. The bridge has proved to be very popular but needed some modification to reinforce it. Thanks to Darren for all the hard work in welding and grinding in 100-degree heat! (See the photograph of the thermometer taken while he was working.)



I thought you would be interested in this news item that begins:

“Non-biblical evidence for individuals named in the Bible is rare, particularly for people who were not royals. But an ancient Babylonian tablet provides further proof that a king and his servant — both named in the Book of Jeremiah — existed in the 6th century B.C. According to an announcement by Assyriologist Michael Jursa and the British Museum, the small clay tablet from the museum's collections bears the name of Babylonian officer Nebo-Sarsekim. In chapter 39 of the Book of Jeremiah, this individual is described as being with King Nebuchadnezzar II at the siege of Jerusalem in the year 587 B.C. Jursa, a visiting associate professor from the University of Vienna, discovered the find while analyzing the tablet's cuneiform script, which was produced by pressing a wedge-shaped instrument — probably a cut reed — into moist clay. The tablet turns out to be a 595 B.C. bill of receipt acknowledging Nebo-Sarsekim's payment of over 1.6 pounds of gold to a Babylonian temple. Jursa said that ‘finding something like this tablet, where we see a person mentioned in the Bible making an everyday payment to the temple in Babylon and quoting the exact date is quite extraordinary.’”
Read the entire article at:

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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